

St. David's mission is to love and serve God through worship, outreach, and love for all. We follow the outreach portion of this mission statement through the programs listed here.

Haiti Outreach Mission:
This outreach program, began in 1998, is dedicated to helping the people and children of Mirebalais, Haiti - a mountain town approximately 50 miles from Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

St. David's, along with other Catholic, Episcopal, and Baptist churches, provides health care, education, and other services with our partner churches in Mirebalais - St. Louis Catholic and St. Pierre Episcopal.

Our mission team, made up of doctors, dentists, nurses, and lay people from the member churches as well as doctors and medical students from Port-au-Prince, visits Mirebalais, normally, once each year. However, we have been unable to conduct our medical/dental mission trips due to political unrest.

Our 2024 fund raising event at the Mark Ridley Comedy Castle in Royal Oak, MI, is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15, 6-9pm. There will be a silent auction, 50/50 drawing, dinner, and comedy.

Click here for our Haiti Outreach Mission page, contact the church office, or visit the HOM web site for overall mission work in Mirebalais.

Crossroads Soup Kitchen:
Three times per year parishioners regularly donate a Sunday afternoon to feed the hungry at this feeding center in downtown Detroit.
Click here for Crossroads' information on their website.

Lighthouse/South Oakland Shelter (SOS):
The South Oakland Shelter organization provides shelter, food, and counsel to some of the homeless in South Oakland county. Recently, SOS joined with Lighthouse to provide more services to the homeless for the entire county of Oakland.

Each year St. David's hosts the SOS for one week during which time parishioners prepare meals for those in the new shelter program caused by COVID-19.

St. David's is a charter member of this organization which began in 1984.

Donations are always welcomed to support the operation of the shelter program.

For more information on SOS, please visit their web site: http://www.southoaklandshelter.org/

Detroit Rescue Mission:

Join us on the second Wednesday of each month from 7p-8p as we travel to downtown Detroit to be with our homeless brothers at the Detroit Rescue Mission. We need your help setting up and participating in this service, which usually draws between 50-80 men. Contact Deborah (at: deborah@stdavidssf.org) to volunteer.

Food Pantry:
St. David's Food Pantry is open Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 9am-Noon. Prepared boxes of non-perishable food items (such as pasta, cans of soup, beans, fruit, vegetables, stock, sauces, bag of rice/lentils/beans, etc.) are available.

Open Hands Food Pantry is another food pantry in our area. It is supported by St. John's Episcopal Church, Royal Oak. Click here to check out their ministry and hours of operation.

Vandenberg World Cultures Academy:

In January 2010 we began a partnership with our neighborhood school, Vandenberg World Cultures Academy. This K-5 magnet school serves students from 25 different countries and has 29 different languages represented.

St. David's volunteers assist in classrooms across all grade levels, providing extra help in literacy, science, social studies, and technology. Strong bonds are formed between students and volunteers, resulting in positive new relationships.

We’re launching a new ministry: Can you tutor an elementary student one day a week (starting mid-April) in the St. David’s Parish Hall? Our friends at Vandenburg Elementary say there’s a huge need for one-on-one help - Thursdays from 3:30-4:30p - as COVID really set lots of students back. Vandenburg wants to begin mid-April, can you help until June? Contact Judy Walsh at ‘judycwalsh@gmail.com’ or 248-837–5358

AA: Alcoholics Anonymous & Alanon:
These groups meet several times a week at St. David's:

  • Mon: 7am, AA First Things First
  • Tue: 6:30pm, AA Back to Basics
  • Tue: 8:30pm, AA / AI Anon Meeting
  • Wed: 7am, AA First Things First
  • Thu: 12Noon, AA Southfield Noontimers
  • Fri: 7am, AA First Things First
  • Sat: 8:30pm, AA / AI Anon Meeting

Their meetings are open to all in the parish and the community at large who need their services.

St. David's is pleased with our long relationship with these fine organizations.

For more information, contact: AA of Greater Detroit (Ferndale); 248-541-6565

Other supported outreach projects:

   - Episcopal World Mission, 
   - Welcome Inn,
   - CROP Walk,
   - McGregor African Mission
   - The Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief, 
   - Parents of Murdered Children